Saturday, April 12, 2008

Four hundred years of oppression? Get over it.

Stephanie Nolen goes on a tear in the Globe and Mail today that is so lacking in self-awareness that it blows the mind. She, like virtually every other Canadian reporter anywhere near Africa, is focussed on Zimbabwe's election. Recent sham elections in Rwanda, Uganda, the Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Malawi have been ignored by the Globe and most other papers, but this election in Zimbabwe is under the microscope. Mugabe needs to go, explains this white North American reporter, because he keeps blaming white people for Africa's problems: "In his constant railing about colonialism... he keeps the country and the continent looking backward. Of course, many of Africa's problems can still be traced directly to colonialism, but today, most people would like simply to look forward."

You're not going to see a defense of Mugabe from this corner. All I'm saying is the white North American telling Africans to "get over" colonialism is like telling someone who just got shot to stop harping about the bullet wound.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Republicans are insane

The latest proof is the, seemingly serious, proposal that Condoleezza Rice be considered as a Vice-Presidential running mate for McCain. Says the Washington Post: "Speculation has centered on Rice because as a prominent African American woman, she would help balance out a GOP ticket that otherwise might appear too bland next to the excitement generated by either the first major-party black or female candidate."

This is the same thinking, I'm sure, that brought us the Allan Keyes campaign for Senator. Folks may recall that a dynamic up-and-coming African-American Democrat set his eyes on a Senate seat in Illinois. That Democrat recieved a real stroke of luck when his opponent, Jack Ryan, had to drop out when divorce documents revealed he was kind of, well, a "nasty freak". (and his wife was Jeri Ryan - Star Trek Voyager's Seven of Nine. Not relevant to the story but interesting for trekkies and fetishists).

Anyway... Republicans are cornered. How to defeat this up-and-coming Democrat? "Well," said they, "He's Black. We just need to find a black guy!" Because THAT somehow was the key. They promptly found Alan Keyes - a man with about as much following in the African-American community as FW DeKlerk.

Anyway, final results: Keyes gets 27 per cent. Up-and-coming Democrat Barrack Obama gets 70.

How do you think Condoleezza Rice would do?

Friday, April 4, 2008

If at first you don't succeed - interrupt

I've got really limited experience in public relations but one thing I was told was that it's bad form to crash in when someone is talking to a reporter. Listen, sure. Wait politely to respond with a scrum of your own, absolutely.

But interrupting or yelling at someone while they're talking just makes you look, well, crazy.

But maybe I'm wrong. NDP MPs seem to be doing it and doing it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Why didn't we think of that?

David Olive notes in yesterday's Toronto Star that investor-owned oil firms are getting squeezed out of the business. Nationally-owned oil companies are the way of the future.

Wouldn't it be nice if Canada had one of those?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Main Street versus Wall Street

Fun story from New York about homeowners (and former homeowners and people whose dreams of possibly owning a home are shot to hell...) who were protesting at Bear Stearns HQ. Evidently they felt that if the US government could guarantee up to $29 billion of Bear Stearns assets they could find some money to help the thousands of Americans about to lose their homes.
I love this insightful comment from shouted by one angry Bear Stearns employee: "Homeowners, that's more than $1 trillion (in mortgage debt), you're crazy."

Billions to save what's left of Bear Stearns for JP Morgan makes sense though.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Media Bias?!?!

How is it that Dalton McGuinty can dress up like this....

... and not get laughed off the face of the earth?

I mean COME ON!

ADDING: This, of course, comes from a Star article that refers to John Manley (aka "Beeker") as an "eminence grise" and treats his musings that the Conservatives in Ottawa should stop criticizing the Liberals in Queen's Park as divinely inspired wisdom as opposed to the inevitable comments of a lifelong partisan politician when his own party is under attack.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ida Maria

I've got no bold political predictions but isn't this song GREAT?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why do we pay Steve Paikin?

As an Ontario citizen, I'm happy to pay taxes for roads, hospitals, health care, social programs. In fact, I often argue that I should pay more taxes. I'm a socialist. I love it.

But I'm kind of getting tired of paying Steve Paikin's salary. Paikin - for those who don't know him (and that would be the overwhelming majority of Ontarians) - is the self-important twit who seems to be the only on-air personality still employed by TVOntario.

TVOntario has been slashed repeatedly first by Harris, then Eves and now McGuinty - to the point that their "news" department doesn't even have staff at the Ontario Legislature (a state of affairs Paikin happily burbles about in the Globe and Mail this week). Yet, for reasons that elude me, Paikin not only survives the cuts, he thrives.

The latest incident of his twittiness to make my blood boil was on his blog. His blogroll (which, again, I'm helping to pay for) has three shout-outs: to former Liberal staffer Hershel Ezrin, former Liberal staffer Warren Kinsella and current Liberal candidate Bob Rae.

Seriously if TVO's putting up Elwy Yost, Polkaroo, I'm happy to contribute. But money that could hire a couple of teachers should not be waste on Steve Paikin.

Jimmy Carter is a bigot. Who knew?

The US State Department has concluded that all of CUPE is anti-semitic. See page 35 of their new report.

Evidently comparing Israeli policy to apartheid era South Africa means you hate all Jews.

Someone should tell Jimmy Carter.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Harper turns to 8-year-old reporter for support

The funniest part of Stephen Harper's Statement of Claim against the Liberal Party?

I gotta go with clause 15: "On June 12, 2005 Mr. Cadman was interviewed by Daniel Cook of CKNW..."

For the record this...

... is Daniel Cook. The child star of "This is Daniel Cook" and, evidently, a key player in Cadman-gate.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Elect the most unpopular Premier in Ontario's history?

"Who knows what these people might do?" Bob Rae asks of the NDP.

The guy who became the poster-child for NDP ineptitude with his directionless leadership as an NDP Premier is now running as the guy who will save Canada from the NDP. Oh Bob.

The sad thing is, before Bob, the NDP used to have a pretty good track record with government. We elected Premiers like this guy and this guy and this guy. They brought in radical changes like socialized medicare and public auto insurance. They are widely respected and people look fondly at their time in government.

Opponents of the NDP actually had a hard time arguing that the NDP couldn't govern until Bob Rae came along.

This time they mean it!

Liberals threaten election.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Make your own platform!

This is neat. Spain's recently re-elected Socialists have their platform available online - but they insist on customizing it for you after you answer some questions about yourself.

This is either a concession of failure on the part of socilaists who promised to build a new society focussed on the collective good or a clever election outreach tool. Or both.

If you were John McCain...

... would you start your ad with a long clip of someone going on about all the places you'd be fighting?

I know Churchill is inspiring but he was talking about fighting off an invasion of his country. Not, um, invading another country and then fighting everywhere because everyone hated you.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dumb and dumber

Calgary Grit's post on this got me thinking.

Earlier this week a private members bill sponsored by Dan McTeague (a proud member of the witness protection program known as the Liberal backbench) passed third reading and is now bound for the Senate - over the objections of the Prime Minister. And now Canadians get to sit back and watch the sad and silly spectacle.

On the one hand Canada's "New Government" being too stupid to stop a bill (at first reading or second reading or third reading) are now begging a Senate they claim is dysfunctional to do the job they couldn't manage to do.

On the other hand we have an official "opposition" that is crowing about an education savings plan that will mostly help the well-off and - more importantly - is certain to die because the Conservatives have already said they plan to kill it in an amended Budget bill which the Liberals have already said they'll pass (despite being opposed to it).

Why these clowns form governments is beyond me.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

An idea for the federal Liberals

Garfield minus Garfield has a genius idea - take Garfield comic strips and take out Garfield. Everyone thought putting the lead character front-and-centre was a great idea but it turns out everything works much better without him.

Chavez critics get a slam down

The always reliable Greg Palast debunks claims that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is funding "terrorism" .

Of course, the anti-Chavez editorializing has little to do with the facts. I think the worst is yet to come.

Chavez has been under fire for promoting a negotiated end to Colombia's civil war. Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe doesn't want to negotiate with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Perhaps, as his supporters would argue, because he doesn't need to. Perhaps, as a cynic might argue, because he - and the people who support him - prefer governing in a state of conflict. It keeps labour costs down.

When was the last time the Globe and Mail wrote an editorial about Colombian workers murdered on the job?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy to be here

I'm wondering whether this works. I'll find out soon I guess.