Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why do we pay Steve Paikin?

As an Ontario citizen, I'm happy to pay taxes for roads, hospitals, health care, social programs. In fact, I often argue that I should pay more taxes. I'm a socialist. I love it.

But I'm kind of getting tired of paying Steve Paikin's salary. Paikin - for those who don't know him (and that would be the overwhelming majority of Ontarians) - is the self-important twit who seems to be the only on-air personality still employed by TVOntario.

TVOntario has been slashed repeatedly first by Harris, then Eves and now McGuinty - to the point that their "news" department doesn't even have staff at the Ontario Legislature (a state of affairs Paikin happily burbles about in the Globe and Mail this week). Yet, for reasons that elude me, Paikin not only survives the cuts, he thrives.

The latest incident of his twittiness to make my blood boil was on his blog. His blogroll (which, again, I'm helping to pay for) has three shout-outs: to former Liberal staffer Hershel Ezrin, former Liberal staffer Warren Kinsella and current Liberal candidate Bob Rae.

Seriously if TVO's putting up Elwy Yost, Polkaroo, I'm happy to contribute. But money that could hire a couple of teachers should not be waste on Steve Paikin.

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