Monday, April 7, 2008

Republicans are insane

The latest proof is the, seemingly serious, proposal that Condoleezza Rice be considered as a Vice-Presidential running mate for McCain. Says the Washington Post: "Speculation has centered on Rice because as a prominent African American woman, she would help balance out a GOP ticket that otherwise might appear too bland next to the excitement generated by either the first major-party black or female candidate."

This is the same thinking, I'm sure, that brought us the Allan Keyes campaign for Senator. Folks may recall that a dynamic up-and-coming African-American Democrat set his eyes on a Senate seat in Illinois. That Democrat recieved a real stroke of luck when his opponent, Jack Ryan, had to drop out when divorce documents revealed he was kind of, well, a "nasty freak". (and his wife was Jeri Ryan - Star Trek Voyager's Seven of Nine. Not relevant to the story but interesting for trekkies and fetishists).

Anyway... Republicans are cornered. How to defeat this up-and-coming Democrat? "Well," said they, "He's Black. We just need to find a black guy!" Because THAT somehow was the key. They promptly found Alan Keyes - a man with about as much following in the African-American community as FW DeKlerk.

Anyway, final results: Keyes gets 27 per cent. Up-and-coming Democrat Barrack Obama gets 70.

How do you think Condoleezza Rice would do?

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